Does Your Brand Even Exist? How to Stand Out and Avoid Monotony

Man standing looking up to brand illustrations overhead.

Written by Madiha Sarfraz

Content writer, Copywriter and guest blogger on high authority websites. Find Madiha Sarfraz on LinkedIn for her writing services.

Posted August 10, 2023

The world is full of brands echoing in every corner. Everyone claims to be unique and the best. But in a hurry to identify as a brand, everyone is doing what is already being served to the audience. It is easy to choose a path that is generic and become mired in mediocrity.

When so many companies offer the same thing, you may stand out by developing a unique content strategy and engaging with something your competitors do not. 

You can have a perennial presence by posting Happy Sunday, Monday, and Friday; Happy Holidays or Morning Wishes, but will this help you make an indelible presence? 

Being distinctive doesn’t just mean being seen; it also means having the power to establish your presence by creating a persistent impact. Your efforts to foster trust, authenticity, and value for customers are just as important as financial investments in your company. 

Anyone can use images from photo stock, but you must work exclusively to establish yourself as ‘Exclusive.’ It is entirely up to you to stand out or be generic and give up your Uniqueness.

What everyone is doing

Companies that are unfamiliar with the game copy exactly what another company does.  This is what makes them the same as any other company. They usually post:

  • Their team: You will only attract job seekers wishing to work at your company.
  • Holiday wishes: If every company does that, why do it?
  • Overly Promotional Content: They aggressively market their goods or services and engage in direct sales instead of building genuine connections with the audience. 
  • Scarcity Mindset: Companies with a scarcity mindset only focus on the now. They fail to invest in things that take time but guarantee long-term returns, such as a content strategy for authority building.
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What to post to stand out

There are lots of ideas to post on social media. But are they effective?

Anything a business does that involve cost tends to inspire trust. Cost may mean money, time, talent, or giving extra things to what your customers have already paid for. 

Creating content and doing activities that demand effort and resources establishes credibility and proves that you are confident in your offering. It gives the impression that you want to provide the best for your customers. Your customized marketing means you have put efforts to understand the needs of your target audience. It is a way to create an emotional bond with your customers or audience.

In social media, you can break away from the herd by signaling your investments in long-term relationships with your customers. This means posting opinionated and experience-driven insights. Not the generic stuff. It is how you can build a powerful brand presence:

1. Share case studies or testimonials

Social Validations are the voice of your credibility. Case studies are a great way to show how your product helped the real user instead of mere claims. It is human psychology to seek out references and experiences of others to help them make their choices. By considering other people’s decisions, it can aid in personal decision-making. 

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2. Organize webinars

There are numerous platforms available to get on a live conversation with your audience, including X Spaces and Linkedin Live. Webinars can showcase your brand’s online presence, engage and educate your audience, and turn leads into actual clients.

3. Diversify your content

Nothing makes you fall into the pack more than being overly promotional. Sharing opinionated and experience-driven insights give your customers something they don’t usually see from other companies. Brands that know what works have a combination of educational, entertainment/Inspirational, and Promotional content. They don’t focus on promotional content alone.

4. Play the long game

Valuable content may take longer to give results, but it will have a lasting impact. Your communication and engagement with the audience should all show your authenticity. Play the long game and you will benefit from the compounding return of your efforts. 

 A crowd of brands is out there, and people’s attention spans are short. Unique content imprints your brand image in the mind of customers. Which leads to word of mouth, the magic of business growth.

Your content should address their pain points, offer solutions to their problems, and serve as a bridge between your brand and the customers. Customers who are happy with your services or product will be your most loyal advocate.

The generic approach might appear quick and simple, but you must go above and beyond to establish your brand authority. Don’t have some Brand B; replace your Brand A. You can stand apart from the noise by giving your brand a distinctive voice. 

Remember, uniqueness lives on the edge, where there is less crowd.

Written by Madiha Sarfraz for Tanzlite Digital


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