Follow This 2-Week Posting Sequence Before Launching a Product.

Follow This 2-Week Posting Sequence Before Launching a Product.

Do founders have a planned posting series towards product or service launch? Usually “NO”. They construct castles in the air of massive sales and money raining down on them.

Without having covered all the bases, the founder appears out of nowhere with a GPT-ish message on the launch day:

“Exciting news! Our launch is finally here!”

The founder is excited, but the audience is not. Their launch from “finally here” to “finally nowhere” happens quickly. Many business founders struggle with this spontaneous launch because they lack a well-thought-out strategy.

Have you heard the term “foreplay”? This is the music to lure the audience to your launch tune.

Foreplay before product launch 

You probably are aware of the word Foreplay in another context. It applies in product launches too. You can’t just come out of nowhere and tell people the big news.

You must build a personal connection and aura of desire and anticipation with your target audience.

You must get out in the crowded bazaar and scream to attract the customers. Believe me, people are deaf and suffer from short-term memory impairment. That is why you must create episodes with the climax episode of “Final Launch.”

Here’s a strategy for a planned succession of product launches leading up to the ultimate launch. Pre-sales will already be taking place before the product is launched. Each episode develops anticipation and curiosity in the audience.

Monday: Post a Case Study

A case study provides a solid foundation for future episodes. It provides tangible evidence of your successful efforts. It is usually based on a real story of innovative ideas, hurdles, and how you beat the odds to achieve your target. A digital marketing agency, for example, could present an eBook launch case study.

“Our client had planned a book release. Instead of immediately introducing the book, we took a different method. Everything starts with an introduction to the book, providing small portions.

The writer’s interactions in the comments further lock up his genuineness. Of course, everyone is excited about their product and considers it a masterpiece, but the challenge is to involve the audience or potential customers in your excitement.

The two-week method convinced them that this was a masterpiece.

The book’s cryptic portions pique the reader’s interest and the “what is next” phenomenon. By the time the book was released, we had already received preorders.

The digital noise of these two weeks proved a hit with readers eager to obtain the book and be the “The fortunate recipients.”

Here, the case study adopts the form of storytelling and illustrates how unconventional means can be used to complete a project. You are capturing the attention of your target audience by exhibiting your competence in your field.

Tuesday: Share Painfully Good Advice

What people enjoy doing in the internet realm is “offering advice.” People often don’t want to offend others when giving advice, resulting in sugar-coated posts.

The true issue, however, is to provide advice that is both enlightening and representative of reality. Painfully good advice may be as sharp as a knife, but it is ultimately beneficial.

As the saying goes, the truth can often be uncomfortable, and so is brutally good advice. This type of advice can be obtained from anecdotes about famous personalities and how venturing into an uncomfortable zone leads them to outstanding accomplishments.

It may not be pleasant to receive, but the insights will lead to improvement. Painfully good advice is a reminder that embracing the uncomfortable is the key to success.

Wednesday: Share Real-Time Skill

Actions speak louder than words. People are more interested in practicality than in theory. To claim yourself an expert, you have to show your real-time skills to the audience.

Exhibiting Real-time is more than just proclaiming one’s expertise. It is about constructing a communication bridge and validating your skills.

It is quite simple today because social media has set the stage for everyone. The comment sections on Linkedin, blogs, Facebook, and other social media platforms are the best grounds to prove your authority in your field.

The audience feels incredible knowing they can contact their mentor or an expert.

For example, there is a skilled social media marketer. He not only offers useful information regarding digital marketing, but he also engages and shares his expert opinion in the comments.

The marketer demonstrates his real-time skills by swiftly responding to inquiries, providing useful advice, and participating in important discussions. This may be taken to the next level with webinars and virtual events. 

Thursday: Kill one Objection 

The “Kill one Objection” technique is the most effective way to handle criticism. Rather than answering multiple objections, this strategy involves finding one misleading perspective and providing convincing, grounded-in-reality testimony.

You may heighten your launch position by focusing on one main objection rather than multiple objections and striking with well-researched, fact-based arguments.

This strategy requires extensive research and analysis of a pressing misconception. You kill the objection with a tailored argument and evidence that illuminates the audience’s understanding. It will also have the critics’ eyeballs on your launch.

An example of this can be “The hesitation of some businesses to hire a digital marketing agency.” The objection to being killed here could be “losing control over one’s business” or, more commonly, “cost concerns.”

Monday: Make a Show Don’t Tell post

Enough wilth the talking; this is the day to demonstrate a real time skill. Display your expertise by showcasing your successful projects. In a competitive market, relying entirely on “self-praise” will result in a bubble that bursts soon.

The “Show them” strategy will build trust and capture the attention of potential buyers. Prove them why you are the preferred choice.

Tuesday: Talk about Common Mistakes

Today, you draw another arrow from your arsenal in order to engage the audience deeply. It highlights a typical mistake businesses make, such as underestimating the value of content writing.

Addressing typical mistakes allows you to position yourself as an expert with extensive expertise in your profession.

It will affect both groups. Those who fall prey to common mistakes. It will demonstrate your empathy for them. The opposite group is the one responsible for creating such a mistake.

You have the opportunity to educate and show them how to avoid it. The audience will be captivated and want to hear more from you.

Wednesday: Change of perspective

Turning the spotlight on a different perspective sets you apart from the crowd. It depicts your originality and is a good way to increase engagement.

Furthermore, it can also have an element of controversy, arousing curiosity in your target audience.

Give the audience something sour instead of honeyed words. Don’t be just another monotonous launch; feeding the audience a changed perspective will allow them to be more interested in your offering.

Give your target audience the opportunity to consider an issue from a different perspective and question conventional beliefs. This new approach will demarcate you from the mob.

Thursday: Testimonial

It is time to enhance your reputation in the industry by sharing a few testimonials. When the audience observes people supporting and thanking you for resolving their problems, they gain trust in your skills.

Testimonials contribute to your brand building. It quotes you as a thought leader. Meaningful discussions aid in networking and provide valuable content to the audience.

Friday: Launch Day

Finally, It is time to bang into the market with your launch. All that hard work will pay off as you will have your audience turned into your customers or clients.

It is time for social engagement and for remaining focused. Collect feedback as it will serve as testimonials to your great product.

Did you note that the two-week strategy was centered on consistency? Consider each day an event, a series of events that culminate in the grand finale of the product launch.

Instead of simply announcing a product with empty seats in front of you, why not gather potential customers before the launch?

This method facilitates a smooth market landing while cultivating trust and excitement among the audience.

Are You an Entrepreneur? Watch These 6 Movies

Are You an Entrepreneur? Watch These 6 Movies

Entrepreneurship is a journey filled with highs and lows. Sometimes, all it takes is a bit of cinematic inspiration to reignite that entrepreneurial flame.

Here, we’ve curated a list of six movies every founder, creator, or freelancer watches. You’ll not only enjoy but also learn invaluable lessons and motivation for navigating the unpredictable waters of entrepreneurship.

Grab your popcorn!

1. The Social Network

Discover the genius behind Facebook’s Rise

The Social Network is a fascinating story behind the creation of Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg’s relentless pursuit of his vision and the challenges he faced make this film a must-watch for budding entrepreneurs. The film explores the entrepreneurial spirit, shedding light on the complexities of startups and the determination needed to overcome obstacles.

The internet’s not written in pencil, Mark, it’s written in ink.

Erica Albright

2. Joy

Empowering entrepreneurs with grit and resilience

Joy is a powerful narrative of a woman’s journey from adversity to triumph. Jennifer Lawrence portrays the tenacious Joy Mangano, a self-made businesswoman who transforms her life by inventing the Miracle Mop. The film beautifully captures the entrepreneurial spirit, emphasizing the importance of resilience, creativity, and unwavering belief in oneself.

Don’t ever think that the world owes you anything, because it doesn’t.

Rudy Mangano

3. Wall Street

Navigating the ambiguous world of finance

Wall Street delves into the cutthroat world of finance and the pursuit of success. The iconic character Gordon Gekko, portrayed by Michael Douglas, embodies the drive for wealth and power. For entrepreneurs, the movie serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of unchecked ambition and the importance of ethical business practices.

Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.

Gordon Gekko

4. Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year

Celebrating honesty and integrity in business

This Bollywood gem tells the story of Harpreet Singh Bedi, an unconventional salesman. This film stands out for its emphasis on ethical business practices and the value of honesty in entrepreneurship. It’s a refreshing take on success that inspires entrepreneurs to build their ventures on integrity.

Customer ke liye hum customer se jyada kuch nahi, aur employee ke liye hum company se jyada kuch nahi.” (For the customer, we are nothing more than the customer, and for the employee, we are nothing more than the company.

5. Pirates of Silicon Valley

Chronicles of tech titans: Jobs vs. Gates

For tech entrepreneurs, Pirates of Silicon Valley is a riveting exploration of the fierce rivalry between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. The film captures the birth of the personal computer revolution, offering insights into the determination, innovation, and strategic thinking that fueled the success of these industry titans.

We’re not pirates. We’re not stealing, we’re extending a hand to them. We’re saying, ‘Join us. Invent your future with us.

Steve Jobs

6. The Pursuit of Happyness

From struggle to triumph, a tale of perseverance

Will Smith’s portrayal of Chris Gardner is a heartwarming tale of resilience and determination. Gardner’s journey from homelessness to a successful career on Wall Street serves as a testament to the power of perseverance. This film is a motivational compass for entrepreneurs facing adversity.

You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they wanna tell you that you can’t do it. You want something? Go get it. Period.

Chris Gardner

So there you have the list of business epics every entrepreneur watches. These movies not only entertain but also provide valuable insights and motivation for entrepreneurs. Whether you’re navigating the complexities of a startup, seeking inspiration for ethical business practices, or craving a dose of perseverance, these films offer a diverse range of lessons.

Where to Watch?

You can find these movies on popular streaming platforms such as Netflix, Prime Video, Hulu, Max, and more. Go and have some valuetainment!

AI Is Here To Stay. Here’s How It Will Shape Social Media Trends In 2024

AI Is Here To Stay. Here’s How It Will Shape Social Media Trends In 2024

On November 30, 2022, ChatGPT was released. Since then Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a game-changing technology. It is reshaping everything, including social media marketing.

There is an endless stream of content on social media as brands and influencers desperately seek attention. And  AI is at the center of all this. 

Let’s explore the key insights and revelations from the Hootsuite Social Trends 2024 Survey that shed light on this transformative journey.

Accepting Generative AI

It is unwise to adamantly dismiss AI. According to an analysis of over 15,500 news articles and blogs, there was a staggering 550% increase in interest in AI from 2022 to 2023. Social media marketers are swiftly caught on. More companies are planning to double or even triple their use of AI across various activities.

Source: Hootsuite Social Trends 2024 Survey

The Surge in AI Applications

The Hootsuite survey reveals compelling statistics showcasing the surge in AI adoption by organizations. In 2024, there is a projected 318% increase in the use of AI for customer support activities and a 260% increase in AI utilization for image editing.

Consumer Skepticism: Adopt with Care!

It is not all fun and game having an AI tick off some tasks from your busy schedule. A lot of people are having doubts. The survey uncovered that 62% of consumers are less likely to engage with and trust content if they know it was created by an AI application. Adopt with care.

Generational Divide in AI Trust

Your uncle does not really like this whole new AI thing. So keep in mind that different generations perceive AI-generated content differently. 

Gen Z appears more adept at distinguishing between AI-generated and human-created content, expressing higher levels of trust and engagement. In contrast, baby boomers exhibit the opposite tendencies, showcasing a greater reluctance to embrace AI-generated content.

Redefining Authenticity in the AI Era

Despite some people’s doubts, AI is inevitable on social media. So marketers will have to redefine authenticity. In 2024, the most successful brands will shift their focus from who (or what) creates the content to the brand experience it provides. 

With AI in the mix, the critical questions become: Does it feel right? Does it reinforce the brand? Does it work? By addressing these, concerns about whether a bot created the content become secondary.

Working Smarter with AI

Here is what to do if you’re a marketer or brand trying to effectively navigate the AI landscape in 2024:

  1. Know Your Audience: Understand your audience’s perceptions of AI based on factors like age, culture, geography, or interests.
  2. Delegate Wisely: You should know which tasks to delegate to an AI and which require a human touch.
  3. Establish AI Policies: To avoid potential pitfalls, set clear policies and best practices for AI usage in social media.

To Sum this Up: Do Not Fight AI

AI is not going anyway it’s here to stay. Brands that embrace AI intelligently, consider consumer perceptions, and redefine authenticity, are poised to thrive in this new digital landscape.

Note: The statistics and insights mentioned in this article are derived from the Hootsuite Social Trends 2024 Survey.

Remember, in the dynamic world of social media, adapting to technological advancements like AI is not just a choice—it’s a necessity for those who aim to lead the way in 2024 and beyond.

PS:  2024 is going to be a competitive year for brands on social media. If you’re tired of worrying about when or where the next customer for your business will come from, let’s talk. Contact Shukuru Amos from Tanzlite at +255 742 085 089.

Scam Alert: Tanzlite is NOT hiring online employees for part-time, and we don’t have any foreign representative

Scam Alert: Tanzlite is NOT hiring online employees for part-time, and we don’t have any foreign representative

Attention: During the week starting 13th of November 2023, many people in Tanzania received WhatsApp messages from a foreign number. The person identified to be a representative of an agency from Tanzania.

Our agency, Tanzlite Digital was among the brand names these automated messages used. Some of the messages read:

My name is Ayanna, I am a Senior Representative Officer at Tanzlite Digital Marketing agency . Our company is recruiting part-time/full-time online employees, Our job is very simple, May I take a few minutes of your time? I would like to share a job offer for you.


Hello Hello I am Cynthia a Senior Representative of of Tanzlite Digital Ltd . Our company is hiring online employees for part-time. Can I share salary and job details?


And another similar message came from Vinza Masana

First of all, this is a PURE Scam. Just look at it yourself. It’s bullshit.

People have already lost money!

Our response to this fraud

Let us reiterate what we posted on all of our social media channels:

First: There are no titles or hierarchical structures at Tanzlite Digital. If you receive a message that sounds corporatey, like some senior somebody from us —that’s NOT us. We don’t have Vinza Masana, Ayanna, or any representative with a foreign number.

Second: Tanzlite doesn’t reach out to anyone. People reach out to us.

Third: We single out talent from LinkedIn only. Not in your WhatsApp app.

Fourth: There’s no one in a foreign country with a foreign number representing us.

And lastly: You’re too smart to be scammed by this automated WhatsApp message. It’s the AI version of “Ile hela tuma kwenye namba hii.”

What should you do when you receive such a scam message?

Block and report that number to WhatsApp IMMEDIATELY. Don’t even waste time to reply because it is probably not a human on the other side. Just automated messages reaching you by guessing random numbers. They will probably come with a different name and company but, you have been warned.

Want To Be a Digital Marketer? Here’s Where To Start

Want To Be a Digital Marketer? Here’s Where To Start

We have entered the Digital Realms where the most talked about topic is “Digital Marketing.” But why has the phenomenon of Digital Marketing suddenly taken the front seat? And what do you think, you are seated in which row?

Yes! One explanation is the sheer amount of technology that has entered our lives, from mobile phones to tablets. Surprisingly, the most significant factor is that one does not need a tech background or an e-based degree to operate as a digital marketer. 

I do not back the argument that formal education is not important. If it cannot give you the key to open closed doors, at least it can help you find the keys. Remember, not every school dropout can become Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg. The world of Digital marketing welcomes everyone, and anyone can learn it. 

A building can only stand on a strong foundation, digital marketing could initially seem intimidating, but with time and your willing to learn new skills you have a potential to become an expert.

Do you want to begin your digital marketing journey? Here is where to start

Lay the foundation by Learning the basics

Digital marketing could initially seem intimidating, but be prepared to pick up new skills. Invest your time learning the basics; a building can only stand on a strong foundation. Today, access to information is easy. Utilize it and educate yourself autonomously. Don’t stress yourself out trying to be an expert in everything. You are just learning the basic concepts and terminology. 

There is a plethora of fields in digital marketing. You can pick from options like brand strategist, email marketing, website builder, social media, and SEO content development. Once you start learning the basics, you will be amazed at how interconnected these fields are.

This is the phase where you will put yourself under examination if you want to enter and survive in the Digital realm. Suppose you are not patient and do not feel like spending time learning; goodbye! You better hunt for a regular 9 to 5 job. 

Get Familiar with the Tools

Now that you have learned the basics of “HOW TO,” it’s time for “LET’S BEGIN.” Every field in the Digital realm has its tools. Some may act as an assistant, while some may be used to fetch data. Tools refine your strategies and help you play or break the algorithm. Beginning your practice with free tools is a good idea.

Now Help a Small Business with your new skills 

Small businesses have a low voice. To make it hear, you need Digital Marketing. Take the initiative to create an online presence for a small business. Here, clicks count, and content is the king. Optimize the content that resonates with the audience, create an advertising strategy, and make it visible in local searches. It will not only be a practical experience, but it will serve as a great motivator. 

Build a personal Brand; it is Your Canvass.

Congratulations! Now you are working as a Digital Sorcerer, but no one knows you. You are just another person behind that screen. Let the world know you exist and build your brand. A personal brand is more than a resume.

It is a way to communicate with your audience, display your capabilities, promote your product or services, and win the audience’s heart by storytelling. Your brand is your asset. 

Can I learn digital marketing if I’m still a student?

Digital Marketing is not a field meant for adults only. It is a great way for a student to get a glimpse of the real world. Encouraging students to freelance or begin an online business is terrific for navigating the world, exploring inner talents, learning to face failures, and becoming responsible beings. Acquiring extra skills alongside academic education is like icing on the cake.

Unfortunately, our education system relies on rote memorization from books and lacks the ability to equip us for real-life challenges. Not everyone excels in university, so developing digital marketing and other freelancing skills gives a chance to earn and succeed in life.

In the constantly changing field of digital marketing, learning never ends. Keep learning and keep yourself up to date with the changing trends. The digital world has no age limits, and no tech background is required. A mix of soft skills, knowledge of core principles, and determination can make you a “Digital Maven.” 

Digital marketing is not just a world of pixels and data but a doorway to countless possibilities.

The Killer Digital Strategy: Founder plus Brand Marketing

The Killer Digital Strategy: Founder plus Brand Marketing

Are you a founder sitting behind a mahogany table, the old CEO way, and with zero online presence? Then you have to consider what that does to you and your company.

Social media is where successful brands are built. Brands that gain, not just followers, but interests and revenue. To achieve this kind of success, a brand needs a human element. Who best to do it if not the founder?

If you are not making your online presence felt to the world, you are sending your brand to the realms of the unknown. 

Now is not the time to play low-key and leave it all to the marketing department. It is time to become a Chief Storyteller. If you don’t know how to do it, ask your marketing team for assistance.

CEOs can use social media to position themselves as industry leaders and brand storytellers. And by doing so, the interaction they generate will bring traffic to their business. This is by far the best digital strategy; founder + company marketing.

Brand/Company Marketing is Good, BUT.. 

Companies realized a while ago that going digital is important. So they flocked there. Most companies are spending a lot of money on promotions. From influencers to ads –you name it. But for some reason, they struggle to establish a genuine connection with the target audience. Why? Well, that’s because there is a missing part to their online marketing efforts. 

Why a Founder/CEO Marketing is Important?

CEOs who have abandoned social media may be ‘quiet quitting’ on their own business.  You will lose a big chunk of people to your competitors who, in addition to company posts, have a digitally outspoken personality that gets eyes to their brand. 

Professor Ndubuisi Ekekwe, faculty lead at the Tekedia Mini MBA program, is an excellent example of founder marketing. He is one of LinkedIn’s top voices from Africa, engaging an audience of over 165,000 people. He is aware that a company alone (Tekedia Institute) alone will not suffice. So being active, and writing extensively on his personal profile draws students to the Tekedia Mini MBA program. 

Ndubuisi’s posts are more than simply his company updates. He contributes value and knowledge in his posts. This strategy fosters his image of a thought leader and a person that has wisdom.

Undoubtedly, a post on the CEO’s profile will gain more attention than one on the business page. Speaking from a human perspective is more impactful.

Founder’s Personal Brand: A Brand’s Best Ally

Founder’s (or CEO) marketing will complement your company’s brand marketing in a way outsider influencers can’t.  It can help earn genuine engagement of the Brand and the audience. 

Businesses cannot succeed without trust. The online visibility of the founder opens the way for credibility and trust in the Brand. See the image below:

If Microsoft promoted this from their company page, they wouldn’t get this much engagement. Why? People don’t often interact with a company page. Microsoft has over 10 million followers but likes on its posts rarely pass 200.

People need a face, not a logo. A logo cannot achieve the level of trust that a CEO of that Brand can establish. Founder Marketing contributes to the Brand’s increased visibility.

As a social CEO, you must engage with your audience meaningfully. That can take the shape of Tweets, Linkedin Posts, TikTok videos, or whatever platform you like. Just be careful not to post all about your business. Share your opinions on pressing matters such as geopolitics and how they affect business. Sometimes remember the youth and share experience-based career tips. You will be likable.

Ryan Reynolds making fun of Nuvei CEO for not being on social media

Real personalities breathe life into brands. Especially now that demand for business transparency is greater than ever. A CEO can win over consumer trust and create emotional bonding with other people. 

A social CEO consequently becomes the public face of the Brand or business. Furthermore, it is comforting to learn from their engagements that CEOs are not distant figures who only attend meetings.

A Tweet or a Post by a Social CEO is not just another noise in the realm of Social Media. It is an echo of their remarkable Leadership.

P.S.: If you are looking to see how a mix of founder and company marketing will help grow your business, click HERE to contact us.