Give Your Business Extra Confidence With a Website [7 Reasons Why You Need It]

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Written by Shukuru Amos

I am the founder of Tanzlite Digital, Creator, Author of Mbele Ya Muda, and the most followed Tanzanian marketer on LinkedIn.

Posted February 3, 2020

There are many ways to take your business online. It can be through email, social media, local business listings, mobile apps or through other people’s websites.

But if you want to give your brand serious attention, having your own business website is highly recommended.

A website is your office on the internet where potential customers can visit and learn more about you. It is not much different from the way you can rent a frame for your beauty salon at Kariakoo. The only difference is that your salon in Kariakoo is physical but a website is not. It is hosted on a server. We will talk more about what are websites and how they work on our next posts.

So why is a website important to you?

Whether you are looking to promote yourself as a brand or to sell products and services, a website can do all that. Most people use the internet to search for services or products. By having a website for your business, you stand great chances of being found by potential customers who are already looking for service or a product like yours.

A  website blends in with other marketing platforms

Nearly all social media platforms have space for you to add a link to your website. This is because social media bios don’t have enough space for you to display everything about your business. A website gives you enough space to showcase your company’s mission and vision statement, your team, long-form content, FAQs, customer’s testimony and portfolio of your works. This information can not be easily displayed on social media.

It acts as your office 

If you can’t afford paying for office rent, a website can be your office and everything can work perfectly well. For example, you can have your products at home and open an online store where people can buy and you deliver to them. With your website, potential customers can visit you online and get to learn more about you and even make purchases. The same as someone would visit you in a physical place.

It gives you credibility

Brands with a website tend to win more trust than those without. A website includes legal documentation such as privacy policy, cookie policy as well as terms and conditions. With features like a blog, you can showcase your expertise in your industry just like we are doing here. We use our blog section to create actionable content about digital marketing that in the long run will establish us as professionals and thought leaders in the industry.

Everyone expects you to have it

It is crazy not to have a website for your business, especially in the digital world we live in. Your prospects are accustomed to visiting their favorite brand’s websites. Why shouldn’t they expect the same from you? You need a website because it is a modern thing to do and everyone expects you to have it.

It is cost-effective

It is cheaper to have a website than printing hundreds of brochures that have no real-time engagement and cannot convert customers easily. Even worse, they can end up being tossed in trash. You can also use networking events to encourage people to visit your website or use a small amount of money to run sponsored ads that bring customers to your website. 

It offers a 24/7 Customer service and accessibility

A website is a great way to stay connected with your customers. Unlike physical offices where you have to close at certain times, a website is live twenty-four-seven to serve your visitors. With the rise of Artificial Intelligence, you can use automation tools like chatbots to engage and strengthen relationships with your customers.

A chance to appear on Google Search Results

People are always searching on google. They for various things like clothes, health issues, locations, restaurants, food and more. With organic reach increasingly declining on platforms like Facebook, Search is a great opportunity for your business to appear in front of countless customers who are searching for a service like yours.

You still don’t have a website in 2020? We can help you get one at the price you can manage. Check our website service page to book now. 


  1. Nguku Aslatu

    I real appreciate the article.
    Since I’m a new person in this.
    Congratulations to you and your tanzlite team

    • Shukuru Amos

      Thank you Aslatu, you’re welcome for more great articles

  2. Ariel

    Great article! These points are true on so many levels. I can’t understand arguments for why one would not have a website.

    It gives companies a huge marketing advantage. Brands can also establish credibility a lot faster with a website.

  3. TheWellnessVilla

    I agree with all the things you have mentioned in this post. And most importantly by doing so, you are your own boss 😀


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