Starting Your Digital Journey: A promising pathway for African Youths in 2023 and beyond

Written by Anthony Charles

Anthony Charles is a young Web Designer and Developer | Content Writer. He Creates Clean, Responsive, and Converting Websites for Business Growth.

Posted July 19, 2023

“Now, with the internet, you’re either five years ahead or you’re five years behind, and the music game is catchin’ up right now” -Pitbull.

Aisha went from poor, unknown and unemployed girl from Mgololo- Iringa to become the most respected and successful freelancer in Tanzania just after being introduced by Hassan about exploring different career pathways in the digital world with her smartphone.  

At the beginning Aisha’s mind was fueled with the notion that by only attaining University Degree at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) everything is over.

As you can be capable of venturing a new business, being employed fast and highly-respected. Guess what? After graduation things fallen apart.

By not forgetting her story, the digital world brought millions of career pathways over the past 20 years, billions of people are using Social Medias for different purposes.

According to Datareportal, as of January 2022, there were 4.9 billion internet users worldwide, approximately 63.2% of the world’s population.  

Here a few tips you can learn from Aisha to embark your digital journey

Define Your Digital Goals

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Aisha’s success has made her recommends whether you want to showcase your skills, talents, connect with like-minded individuals. You should be active and open minded in such a way other people will recommend you to right networks that will benefit from your talent and skills. Learn more how you can make SMART GOALS here

Identify Your Target Audience

Aisha firstly knew about Facebook and without Facebook, there is no way she could have received a text from Hassan. She gained much interest with LinkedIn as she wanted to become a freelancer. Knowing who are your audience gives you the opportunity to understand where they found and how you can draw their attention.

Choose Your Digital Platforms

Aisha continued her research and strategically digital platforms that aligned with her goals and audience for her personal brand. Through research, Aisha selected LinkedIn, a popular social network platform, creating a compelling online presence that impressed potential employers. 

Build Your Online Presence

By Knowing the difference between being on social media and being active on social media creates a good impression for other people to interact with you. A person who is dormant online implies he/she is having enough on her plate or no longer exist. 

ALSO READ:  African Freelancers in the Global Gig Economy: Is There Hope?

Network and Collaborate

If you have a blog, website or social media accounts, make sure you create well thought and high-quality contents. Have a strategy to grow the number of your followers and don’t cease seeking insightful advice and motivation from experienced and knowledgeable experts just like Aisha who got advice from Hassan. 

Do you want to stay 5 years ahead of time or 5 years back? embrace the power of digital platforms today. That is how you unlock hundreds of possibilities for your  personal and professional growth. 


Blandina Malinzi


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